
Why wasn't The Ezio Collection released for PC?

Ubisoft answered that the Ezio Collection is not on PC because the graphism and quality of Ezio Collection is exactly the same on PC having all graphic options ...

Assassin's Creed Bundle on Steam

Complete your library with this amazing bundle!

Assassin's Creed - Ezio Trilogy (PC) - Ubisoft Connect Key

供應中 Make history as the legendary Master Assassin, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, in this compelling trillogy including Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood ...

刺客教條:埃齊歐合輯(簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文)

《刺客教條:埃齊歐合輯》收錄了《刺客教條2》、《刺客教條:兄弟會》和《刺客教條:啟示錄》這三套遊戲裡廣獲好評的單人戰役與單人遊戲追加內容,並針對PlayStation®4 ...

Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection PC : rassassinscreed

Hello! I'd like to know if the PC version of Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection is remastered like the xbox or playstation version? Thx.

Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection PC Support

To access the upgrade, open the Inventory section of the pause menu and select Supplies. The upgrade will be available in the Bullets section. The Lost Archive ...

Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection

欣賞包含在內的《刺客教條:血系》與《刺客教條:餘燼》兩部短片,深入了解埃齊歐的人生。 立即購買《刺客教條:埃齊歐合輯》. PC - Ubisoft Store ...

購買Assassin's Creed® The Ezio Collection

供應中 Assassin's Creed® The Ezio Collection. Ubisoft•動作與冒險. NT$1,390.00NT$417.00+.

Ezio 三部曲(Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection)PC 劇情電影(已完結

刺客教條:Ezio 三部曲(Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection)PC 劇情電影(已完結). 來棲蓮. Playlist•3 videos•1,762 views.

Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection

Assassin's Creed Origins is now available! Watch the Official Launch Trailer: http://ubi.li/8ytgx #AssassinsCreed Relive three classic ...


UbisoftansweredthattheEzioCollectionisnotonPCbecausethegraphismandqualityofEzioCollectionisexactlythesameonPChavingallgraphicoptions ...,Completeyourlibrarywiththisamazingbundle!,供應中MakehistoryasthelegendaryMasterAssassin,EzioAuditoredaFirenze,inthiscompellingtrillogyincludingAssassin'sCreed2,Assassin'sCreedBrotherhood ...,《刺客教條:埃齊歐合輯》收錄了《刺客教條2》、《刺客教條:兄弟會》和...